Saturday, January 25, 2020

Ice Fishing Jan., 25 2020

Quinn, Jarrett and Jake
I accidentally put this in the scout blog and not my normal blog, but since Quinn is a scout and Aaron's boys are scouts and both myself and Aaron are former Scoutmasters, I'll just leave this here.

Just thought we'd get out and do a little ice fishing since we haven't done so for around 4 years now.  We just went to Connie's pond which is by the highway on the way to Jackson.  I pass by it everyday going to work.  Aaron J. and his two boys Jarrett and Jake came with myself and Quinn.  I caught 6 fish and Aaron probably caught 25 just 10 feet away.  The boys caught several between them but before long they were off and playing in the snow.  Quinn thinks he caught 3 or 4.
One of the first fish Aaron caught.  Had pretty colors.  He probably caught around 25

A short video I made.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Scout Camp, Island Park 2019, July 8-12

Quinn on the left.   The waterfront was a great way to spend some free time.
From a recent court of honor.  Ryan, Blake, Quinn, Kason K, Heber, Henry, and Andrew.  Missing from the photo are Alex and Kason R.

Scout Camp this year was at Island Park Scout Camp the second week of July, 2019.  Treasure Mountain Scout Camp is officially closed now and will never be used by scouts again.  We are very sad for this. 

I went to scout camp as a dad, with my son Quinn who is 12 years old.  He did very good and got 10 merit badges.  All the boys did good getting probably the most merit badges that I have seen a group of boys get. 

The leaders were Andrew who stayed until Thursday and Ryan who came up on Thursday and finished.  The boys that came were Quinn, Alex, Heber, Henry, Kason R., Kason K., and Blake.  We had another troop, Troop 107, come with us from Victor as they only had 4 boys and one leader that could stay with them at a time.  James was the leader and a few other men from their ward took shifts throughout the week.   My nephew Keaton, who has worked at Island Park Scout Camp for many summers, was our troop friend.

I won't write much of the story here.  The main reason for this post is just to get the pictures where everybody can see them.  The pictures are in a reasonable order and kind of go from day 1 to the end but I notice there's a few mixups.  Its really hard to arrange around 400 pictures in one of these so I am just going to leave them as they lie.  Also I did not get a good group picture of all the boys at once.  I really should be better at doing that so that names are not forgotten over the years.  

I made videos to each of the days at scout camp which will explain much more about what is going on and might help to make sense of all the photos.  Here are the links:

DAY 1 Video

DAY 2 Video

DAY 3 Video

DAY 4 Video

DAY 5 Video